We’ve all been told, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!” and “You need to eat your greens to grow up big & strong!” But what do these actually mean? Will eating an apple every day really keep the doctor away? Can I really grow up big and strong if I eat my greens (even though they’re bleh!)?

The truth is: YES!

Eating a natural, raw, unprocessed diet is one of the best ways to maintain your overall health. However, many of us lead busy lives between work, exercise, soccer practice, and a number of other activities that eating a natural, unprocessed diet becomes a very difficult task. In recent years, juicing has been proven to help people get back to their natural state by consuming fresh-pressed juice from all-natural, organic, raw fruits and vegetables. Some of the benefits of juicing include:

  • Getting more essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients
  • Protection against cardiovascular disease, cancer and other disesases
  • Increased cellular health, liver and digestive function
  • Maintain healthy gut bacteria
  • Decreased calorie intake without sacrificing nutrients

At Juice Market 101, we are dedicated to bringing fresh-pressed juices to our customers because we know that consuming raw, organic fruits and veggies is one of the best ways to promote a healthy lifestyle. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or simply maintain your overall health, our chefs create customized juice recipes to ensure that your body is receiving the living enzymes, healthy bacteria, nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are essential to a healthy lifestyle. Check out our selection of juices, or let our chefs create a personalized plan to get you Back2Basics!

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